Help the whale find his way through the maze to the fish in this easy Whale in the Ocean Maze for kids. Our printable mazes are a great way for kids to learn problem-solving skills, and they’re tons of fun
Whale in the Ocean Maze

Help the whale find his way through the maze to the fish in this easy Whale in the Ocean Maze for kids. Our printable mazes are a great way for kids to learn problem-solving skills, and they’re tons of fun
Lots of interesting things live under the sea, including this happy mermaid who’s just waiting for your child to bring her to life with a little bit of color. Download and print as many copies as you like for personal
Angelfish come in all sorts of colors, so your young ones can color this over and over to create their own school of fish! It’s free to print, so print as many as you like for all your kids at
Alphabet letter coloring pages are perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and first graders, to help reinforce letter recognition and writing skills. This one features the letter “J” and includes a picture of a jellyfish. Be sure to download and print
Alphabet letter coloring pages are perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and first graders, to help reinforce letter recognition and writing skills. This one features the letter “F” and includes a picture of a fish. Be sure to download and print
Alphabet letter coloring pages are perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and first graders, to help reinforce letter recognition and writing skills. This one features the letter “C” and includes a picture of a crab. Be sure to download and print
This free printable “Spot the Difference” picture puzzle featuring underwater sea life will test your child’s powers of observation. The two scenes may seem to be identical at first, but upon closer inspection it’s evident that some details were changed.